VFD Panels are designed to control the speed and torque of electric motors by varying input frequency
and voltage to motors. VFD Panels are used as energy saving devices as they adjust motor speed under
no load conditions or as required by the process. Such energy cost savings are especially pronounced in
variable torque centrifugal fan and pump applications where there is large power reduction for a
relatively small reduction in speed.
We design and manufacture a diverse range of VFD panels
for varied applications (closed-loop and open-loop applications).
- AHU / Chiller control
- Pump / Motor / Blower speed control
- Reactor control
- Conveyor / Crane system
- Remote / Local / Bypass control options
- 1-400 HP (O.7457 KW - 298.2B KW) drive panel
- Siemens/AB / Danfoss / Mitsubishi / ABB / Yaskawa / Delta